Why are there no commercials or advertisements for Jesus Christ or His message in the mainstream media?

Talk About Loving Christ is a ministry dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus online. We aim to equip both the church and individuals with the necessary tools and training to enable Christians everywhere to effectively share the Gospel online. Our commitment includes offering a range of services, both free and premium, to support this mission.

For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher? [Romans 10:13-14]


We believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe we are all sinners living in broken world and in need of our Savior. This world distracts and offers temporary solutions to problems that only Jesus Christ can fix. We believe that Jesus has the power to save, change hearts, heal every hurt, offer true peace, and provide unending hope. Acceptance, repentance, and belief in Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life in heaven. We cling to Jesus, day after day, hoping to reflect His perfect love for others to see.


TALC (Talk About Loving Christ) is a Christian marketing nonprofit that shares Jesus Christ through national advertising campaigns. TALC was founded in 2019 by a husband and wife marketing team, whose goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ.

What is TALC?

TALC is a Christian nonprofit that stands for Talk About Loving Christ.
What does TALC do?
TALC creates and runs national advertising campaigns promoting Jesus Christ in the mainstream media.

Where will the advertisements appear?

Our advertisements will run on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Hulu, cable networks, and print publications.

What makes your advertisements unique?

Jesus Christ will be the only focus of the ads. No other brands, events, venues will be advertised.
Mark 10:15 says to “...receive the kingdom of God like a little child...” so our ads will be simple enough for a child to understand.
Our ads are going to feel fresh and current - consistent with mainstream advertisements. TALC ads will not include people, voices or depictions of Jesus. Jesus is for all people and we don’t want potential Christians to not move forward because they feel like Jesus wasn’t meant for them.

What purpose do these advertisements serve?

TALC ads serve to bring non-believers to Christ, expanding the kingdom of God.
TALC ads will encourage Christians to speak about their faith. We hope to alleviate the stigma of openly talking about Christianity and being a Christian outside the church walls.

How can your ads save people?

TALC digital ads will link to a website that will allow users to give their lives to Jesus Christ through a simple, 4-step process and saying a prayer. We plan to have counselors available 24/7 on the website to answer questions. TALC will provide links to help users find Bible based churches in their area and links to resources that can support the user in their walk with Jesus.

Who will create and run these ads?

TALC founders, Alec and Dawn Lockavitch, are professional marketers and will be overseeing the creation of each ad. Alec and Dawn will also work with different artists and advertising firms across the country to ensure optimal production and performance.

Why does TALC need funding?

All ads are pay-per-click and cost money to be active. We need consistent funds to be able to run the ads 24/7 across the country.

Does TALC need volunteers? How can I help?

TALC desperately needs fellow Christians to help spread the word of Jesus Christ and our mission. Please pray for the TALC Team and the hearts of non-believers who will see Jesus through our ads. Please Contact Us for More Information: contact@talkaboutlovingchrist.org


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1122 Kenilworth Drive, Suite 201

Towson, Maryland 21204




1122 Kenilworth Drive, Suite 201

Towson, Maryland 21204

*Please include TALC in the memo line